Hey guys,
Today I'd like to present our new project Cryhax Engine.
-Speed Shot
-Speed Hack
-Wall radar
-Capture the Battery
-Unlimited ammo
-Super bazooka
-Anti-kick(nextgen :3)
-Server crasher(nextgen :3)
-Player crash(nextgen :3)
-Lobby crasher(nextgen :3)
-Room crasher(nextgen :3)
-Room hack/ No score limit
-Room hack / No time limit
-Room hack / No player limit
-Room hack / Instand end
-Room hack / No point limit
-Cheat Engine bypass
-Autoit bypass
-WPE Pro bypass
-Ollydbg bypass
-Anti-memory detection
-Trainer Bypass
-Anti-DC(by XTrap)
-Anti-RelogBann(by XTrap).
-RoomTool / Set Points
-RoomTool / Set Player
-RoomTool / Set Time
-RoomTool / Set Rounds
-Anti-Bann(nextgen modified client :3)
-Anti-Chatblock(nextgen :3)
-Trigger / Sniper
-Trigger / Shotgun
-Trigger / Riffle
Operating system compatibility
- Win XP 32/64 Bit
- Win 2000 32/64 Bit
- Win Vista 32/64 Bit
- Win 7 32/64 Bit
- Win 8 32/64 Bit
1.Run Cryhax launcher as Admin.
2.Register & Login.
3.Select cHax(Cryhax Engine) or cBypass(XTrap Bypass).
4.Click start
5.Start Microvolts
6.Have fun!
You navigate by pressing your arrows on your keyboard:
-> = Enable
<- = Disable
-fixed crash on cBypass.
-fixed XTrap bug on cHax.
-fixed unlimited ammo reload bug with another Hacks.
-fixed XTrap Bypass.
-fixed XTrap Bypass again.
-Disabled VIP Version.
-Added Boss hack.
-Enabled VIP Version(2 Days).
-Disabled VIP Version for some hours.
-Removed Boss hack
-Added MsgRisk(cBypass, cHax)
-Added cRoom
-Enabled Free-VIP.
-Fixed Launcher Remember bug.
-Fixed cRoom crash.
-Uploaded Version 2.0.
-fixxed Free-VIP bug.
-Reuploaded Version 2.0.
-Added Triggerbot(Sniper).
-Added Triggerbot(Riffle).
-Added Triggerbot(Shotgun).
-Fixed Jump bug.
-Fixed XTrap bypass detect.
-Fixed Sniper(trigger)-crash.
-Fixed Riffle(trigger).
-Fixed Shotgun(trigger).
-Disabled Free-VIP.
-Fixed Launcher bug.
-Uploaded new Launcher.
-Fixed many Launcher bugs.
-Fixed all h4cks.
-Fixed Jump bug.
-Deleted Room h4cks.
-Deleted Bullet h4cks.
-Updated all.
-Fixed auto-jump bug.
-Updated Launcher.
RoomTool Commands:
/set_TDM_score = Set the Score limit
/set_TDM_player = Set the Player limit
/set_TDM_time = Set the Time limit
/set_ZM_round = Set the Player limit
/set_ELI_round = Set the Round limit
/set_ELI_time = Set the Time limit
/set_ELI_player = Set the Player limit
/set_CTB_point = Set the Point limit
/set_CTB_player = Set the Player limit
/set_ELI_player = Set the Player limit
/set_FFA_score = Set the Score limit
/set_FFA_time = Set the Time limit
/set_FFA_player = Set the Player limit
Room Tool works only on Windows7/Vista/XP.