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    Microvolts Boss Battle Hack 32x / 64x


    Mensagens : 7
    Data de inscrição : 28/09/2013
    Idade : 23
    Localização : 2

    Microvolts Boss Battle Hack 32x / 64x Empty Microvolts Boss Battle Hack 32x / 64x

    Mensagem por Mata_Vacas Seg Out 14, 2013 9:22 am

    Dear Forum

    In this thread I will share my Boss Hack.


    ● Cheat Engine 6.2 or higher
    ● cBypass

    How to use the hack:

    1. Start Microvolts with bypass
    2. Run the hack as administrator
    3. Create a boss fight room
    4. Choose the boss' HP
    5. Start the room
    6. After you spawned activate the respawns
    6. Wait up to 30 seconds or longer
    7. Kill the boss (not earlier as 30s!)

    Dowload Cheat Engine: http://www.cheatengine.org/

    Dowload cbypass: http://www.mediafire.com/download/z3c72aw7xpnsi2d/CryHax+Engine.rar

    The password of the .zip file is 'superspinne'.

    All the best,

      Data/hora atual: Ter Jan 21, 2025 3:40 pm